We invite you to join us Sundays at 9:30am.
Over the past several years, our denomination has been embroiled in an intense debate over human sexuality. But what has become evident is that our problem is not so much in understand gender and sexuality. It is much more foundational than that. Many in our denomination have lost confidence in God’s Word and in the sufficiency of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even our understanding of what “the gospel” is has become divergent. Frankly, we are a people – not just in the CRC – who don’t know the Bible and therefore are more and more confused about God’s truth. Moorings are important. As fall settles in, the winds pick up, the storms roll in, we know we need a firm foundation. How much more so do we need such for our faith? We have that foundation in God’s Word as moved in us by His Spirit. Yet, we need to know it. This year we will hunker down into those foundations God has mercifully revealed to us so we will more fully know “What We Believe and Why We Believe It” – all so that we are ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Jesus Christ to anyone who asks.
Please join us on Sunday evenings at 5:00pm.
This summer, we had a sermon series through the “Hard Sayings of Jesus.” Those seemed to resonate well with each of us. Since there seems to be a plethora of difficult to understand passages – or passages we simply don’t want to understand because we don’t want to accept their truth. They’re hard! Between now and Advent we are going to take up some of the “Hard Sayings in the Epistles;” particularly in letters written by Paul, Peters, and the writer to the Hebrews (maybe Paul? Maybe Apollos? Or Priscilla & Aquila? We don’t know for sure). In difficult gospel passages we can say, “Well, Jesus did say that.” But in these letters, we know they are written by fallible men. However, we testify with II Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is breathed out by God.” So rather than dismiss the “Hard Sayings,” our job is to grapple to understand them as we lean not on our own understanding but lean on the Spirit and the truth of God’s Word. With Simon Peter we say, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).