We are committed to
God-Glorifying Worship
We believe that God is the audience in worship and that worship is a dialogue between believers and God. We believe that worship is an act of the whole church and follows a specific order guided by Scripture and sound preaching. It must build up the body of Christ as we are equipped, comforted and exhorted through worship, God’s Word and prayer. Our services follow a natural, engaging, and personally meaningful liturgy. We realize that worship is counter-cultural as it reminds us of our need for God through our confession, the joy of grace, the call to live a new life, and our service to others. Our worship music is not merely a blending of several styles of music. Instead, they are a collective response to God that unashamedly appreciates historic hymns and the traditions of the church while also embracing current musical expressions of worship (the elders’ Worship Music Purpose Statement provides more specific guidance). Our desire is that all elements of our worship complement the focus of the sermon and the scripture that serves as its foundation. To this end, the elders call the people of God to worship the morning and evening of each Lord’s Day, as well as special liturgical and national holidays.
Join us in person at 9:30 a.m.
and/or 5:00 p.m. every Sunday.
You can also watch LIVE on our youtube channel,
or listen on our website or LIVE on the radio!
What should I expect when I come to worship?
Each worship service is crafted to be unique, however you will find some commonalities each week.
The purpose of our worship services is to glorify God. He is worthy of all praise and honor! We are blessed when we are in the presence of our Holy God and we look forward to encountering him every day including on Sundays. Our worship services regularly include the elements of Reformed worship; such as praise, confessing our sins, professing our faith, prayer, reading scripture, preaching the Word, celebrating the sacraments of Baptism and Communion and the giving our gifts. Worship is a conversation between Our Creator and His people. We believe all worshippers are participants, not merely spectators, and we look forward to worshiping with you.
Every week, we will hear a sermon. We believe preaching must be Christ-centered and saturated with His gospel. In our preaching, we seek to be faithful to the biblical text while bringing its timeless message to God's people today, helping them understand and obey God's holy Word. Often, sermons are preached in a series (where a few weeks of sermons are all linked by a common theme or scripture), but every sermon can be heard independent of the other sermons.
The pastors also regularly use the Heidelberg Catechism and other Reformed confessions to guide our study of God's Word. These confessions help remind us about what we believe. Learn more here.
Music is an important part of worship. We seek to use both old and new psalms, hymns and songs that reflect Scripture and its theme of redemption. Great care is taken to focus all the elements of the service around the message of a particular Scripture text. Our 33-rank Schantz pipe organ is the primary instrument used to accompany the congregation singing, but piano and other instruments will take part from time to time. We have a Chancel Choir and Orchestra that lead us on occasion as well!