
Music is an integral part of worship at Central Avenue.  We are a singing congregation.  Hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs of many styles are woven into each worship service.   We are blessed to have some beautiful  instruments to accompany our congregational singing.  The Schantz pipe organ supports and enhances congregational singing, and often thrills our souls during preludes, offertories and postludes.  Fortunately, we have several fine organists who know the instrument well and use it effectively.  A Schimmel piano is also used during worship to accompany the choir and support special music ministries.  Occasionally both instruments are played together for congregational singing. 

The sanctuary at Central Avenue is among the area’s finest acoustically for music.  The Holland Chorale and the Evergreen Chorale have both made recordings at Central Avenue, as has the Zeeland Civic Chorus, which presents Handel’s MESSIAH  at Central Avenue each Christmas Season.

Though our facility has excellent properties for concerts, the principal desire at Central Avenue is to bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

  • Organ

    Primarily, our 33-rank Schantz pipe organ is used to accompany the congregation singing.

  • Piano

    A Schimmel piano is also used during worship to accompany the choir and support special music ministries.

  • Choir

    The Choir is the backbone of the music program at Central Avenue. The Chancel Choir is rehearsed and conducted by music director, Brian Knot

  • Brass

    Our brass ensemble plays on Sundays through the year to enhance worship. They usually meet before the service to practice. Musicians of all ages and experience are welcome to join.

  • Voices of Praise

    Voices of Praise is a group singing contemporary hymns and songs. The size of the group varies. They are often accompanied by piano, guitar, bass, and percussion.

  • Orchestra

    Our Orchestra plays during the holidays and occasionally at other times of the year. The orchestra’s members have a wide range of abilities, from students who are still learning to retirees who have pulled their instruments out of storage to take part in this tradition. The Orchestra is rehearsed and directed by Brian Knot.

  • Joyful Noise Choir

    The Joyful Noise Choir began during covid. Church members and friends gather after church to visit our shut-in members and sing hymns with them. Watch the bulletin for dates.

  • Handbells

    We have recently acquired a set of handbells and are in the process of forming a handbell Choir. If you are interested, please reach out to Brian Knot.