Creeds & Confessions
What is the
Sometimes referred to as the “CRC” or “CRCNA”, the Christian Reformed Church in North America is our denomination, which locates us within the broader church of Jesus Christ.
We are a congregation in the Christian Reformed Church in North America and are convicted by our consciences, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, to believe in the Christian faith as summarized in the following ecumenical creeds:
In addition, Central Avenue CRC and its members agree with the following Reformed confessions, organizing and faithfully summarizing the teaching of God’s Word, the Bible:
Denominational Links:
The regional body of Christian Reformed Churches around Holland, MI, doing ministry together.
A ministry extension of Classis Holland to equip deacons, engage the community, and carry out Christ’s ministry of mercy.
The global and local mission arm of the CRC for living and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
A group of ministers and leaders in the CRC who strive for the CRC to uphold the beautiful, Biblical, confessional, and historic understanding of human sexuality in doctrine, discipleship, and discipline.